Target groups and The results

Target groups
  1. Local government representatives (municipalities of  Korca, Pogradec, Albania and Bitola, Kicevo Macedonia):
  2. Business sector - Construction sector and tourism
  3. Media: it will ensure the covering of a wider range of public, the local communities, but also national and cross-border media representatives facilitating the awareness campaign
  4. Civil Society: they have their voice in the process as represent all strata of society, women, men, disadvantaged people, children, rural, education, etc.
Final beneficiaries will be all strata of the society, communities of Albanian and Macedonian regions and public at large.

The results
The estimated results of the project will be:
  1. Increased capacities of four municipalities (Korca, Pogradec, Bitola, Kicevo) and other local stakeholders on Energy Efficiency issues across borders
  2. Platforms for Actions Established among local stakeholders and across borders - four Local Platforms and a Regional One
  3. Established a long-term dialogue among all local stakeholders on Energy issue and its implementation at local level
  4. Increased awareness of all local stakeholders on Energy Efficiency issues